Accreditation & Rankings

#130 Best Online High Schools in the United States

Top 4Online high schools with national reputations for AP, Honors, and college prep courses

#14Best online high school diploma programs, based on accreditation, student success, and affordability

What is accreditation?

Accreditation ensures that high schools and colleges continue to meet rigorous standards and strive to improve over time. In particular, accreditation:

  • helps students and their parents, employers, and others in identifying schools that meet high standards for educational quality
  • provides benchmarks by which online high schools like IU High School can measure themselves and continuously improve.
  • eases the transfer of credits among high schools. IU High School cannot guarantee that other schools will accept its credits; however, accredited schools do routinely accept the credits provided by one another.
  • gives colleges and universities a standard means to recognize student work prior to college admission.